The True Consequences of Smokeless Tobacco

November 1, 2015 in Dentistry,General dentistry by mccarl_dental

Smokeless tobacco goes by many names: chew, snuff, dip, and snus. It has many forms: dry, moist, ground, powdered, shredded, leaf, and plug; but a smokeless tobacco by any other name is still tobacco. These products have a long history in the US of being marketed as enhancing athletic performance, helping people quit smoking, and as a non-addictive form of tobacco. The hard truth is that all of this is false. At McCarl Dental Group, we want our patients to know the true story behind the effects of smokeless tobacco on health: Ray’s story. Watch the video within this post to hear Ray’s oral cancer survival story.

Ray’s Story

Ray is a McCarl Dental Group patient who spent a year of his life undergoing combined chemotherapy and radiation to remove a small tumor from the back of his tongue. Ray was a long time user of smokeless tobacco, and his oncologist (cancer specialist) attributes the blame for his cancer to the period in his life when he used smokeless tobacco. Some studies indicate that oral cancer caused by smokeless tobacco can have an incubation of up to ten years. However, that doesn’t mean that quitting is pointless. The damaging effects of the toxins in the body are cumulative. So, the longer patients use, the more damage is done to their oral and whole body health.

McCarl Dental Group Shared Oral Health Tips at the Annual Greenbelt Health & Wellness Fair

October 27, 2015 in General dentistry by mccarl_dental

Greenbelt HEalth and Wellness Fair PhotoMcCarl Dental Group is fortunate to have an opportunity to take part in PG County community events that emphasize oral and overall health. The annual Greenbelt Health & Wellness Fair is one of our favorite events because we get to meet with members of the community and provide oral hygiene goodie bags, free dental consultations, and education on the best practices for at-home dental care. If you missed out on this year’s event, we hope to see you next year for this event dedicated to living happier, healthier lives, and we invite you to contact McCarl Dental Group to schedule a dental checkup and teeth cleaning.

Worn Down Teeth? Get Nightguards!

September 28, 2015 in Dentistry,General dentistry by mccarl_dental

Teeth grinding damage needs nightguards from mccarl dentalTooth enamel is the hardest substance in our body, but even the strongest teeth become worn down over time. Dietary changes, improved oral hygiene, and better dental treatment make it possible for patients to retain their natural smiles for a lifetime. One of the first reasons dentists noted this change was the increased necessity for wisdom tooth extraction. The third set of molars are commonly referred to as wisdom teeth because they erupt between 17 and 25 years of age. Anthropologists believed that the early function of wisdom teeth was to replace teeth that were lost because our ancient ancestors ate coarse foods that quickly wore down tooth enamel. Most modern lifestyles are much less tough on teeth. This has made wisdom teeth almost entirely unnecessary. Unfortunately, teeth still wear down throughout our lives (just not before our 20th birthdays!). The caring team at McCarl Dental Group can help you protect your smile. Call our Greenbelt dental office or our Millersville, Maryland dentists. Call for an appointment today.

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