3 Health Factors to Discuss with Your Dentist at Your Next Checkup

July 12, 2024 in Dentistry by McCarl Dental Group
doctor talking to patient about overall health

While many dentists focus solely on the health of a patient’s smile, other oral healthcare professionals take a whole-body approach. It’s important to discuss your medical history with your dentist at each dental checkup. Sharing information about any health conditions you have or medications you are taking can ensure they recommend the safest, most effective form of treatment. When preparing for your next visit, make sure to bring up these health factors so that you can receive a more comprehensive approach to better wellness.

Are You Taking Any New Medications?

Updating your patient information to include new medications and supplements is important for many reasons.

  1. If you are planning to receive any type of dental sedation, knowing which medicines you are taking can ensure no negative interactions occur. Some forms of sedation (i.e., oral conscious or IV sedation) may not be as effective if you are taking certain medicines.
  2. If you are prone to dry mouth, it may be that your medication is the culprit. This can be helpful information for your dentist as they determine how best to treat any signs of gum disease or worn tooth enamel.

Do You Have Diabetes or High Blood Pressure?

This information is likely to be requested as part of your new patient paperwork; however, if you’ve recently been diagnosed, it’s important to let your dentist know.

Cardiovascular conditions like high blood pressure and diabetes are commonly linked to gum disease and other similar oral health problems. While some dentists are now taking patients’ blood pressure at the start of each dental checkup, it’s still important to make sure your team is aware of your recent diagnosis so that it is reflected on your chart.

Having this information can be helpful when examining and treating periodontitis and dental decay. Your dentist may suggest that you meet with your local physician as well to discuss how to best manage your symptoms and ensure that the medications you are taking to manage your high blood pressure and/or diabetes do not negatively impact your oral health.

Are You Pregnant?

If you recently discovered you are pregnant, do not neglect to share this with your dentist. In most situations, you will be fine and require no special accommodations; however, there are instances your dentist will consider, including:

  • Taking dental X-rays. Although they’re generally safe, your dentist may take additional precautions to ensure that appropriate shielding is used.
  • Administering sedation dentistry and/or anesthesia. According to the American Dental Association (ADA), local anesthesia is considered safe to use; however, nitrous oxide and other forms of sedation may be halted until after the birth of the child.
  • Increased risk of gum disease. As pregnancy hormones are known to cause changes throughout a woman’s body, it’s important that your dentist has the information, so they can be aware of the potential risk and offer helpful ways for you to combat the problem.

Keeping your dentist informed about your overall health is essential if you want to maintain a long-lasting, healthy smile, so don’t hesitate to bring these issues up during your next dental checkup.

About the McCarl Dental Group
McCarl Dental Group consists of multiple dentists who believe in listening the needs of our patients and providing the highest level of quality dental care. Our team is willing to listen and make recommendations that will benefit not only an individual’s smile but also their overall health and well-being. If you recently started taking medication or received a diagnosis, make sure to call our dental office or share this information when arriving for your appointment.