3 Ways Invisalign® Offers More Freedom Than Metal Braces

August 8, 2024 in Dentistry by McCarl Dental Group
female patient with Invisalign

Invisalign® clear aligners are an alternative solution to metal braces. While their most prominent feature is their clear, discreet appearance, these trays offer more freedom than their traditional counterpart. But how? What makes Invisalign® more enjoyable and less restrictive? Keep reading to discover three distinct ways you can enjoy greater flexibility with these custom-made clear aligners.

There Are Fewer Food Restrictions

Unlike traditional braces that often require you to limit which foods you can eat throughout treatment (i.e., no caramel, popcorn, etc.), Invisalign® allows you to eat what you love.

When choosing to straighten your teeth with clear aligners, you are instructed to remove them before eating or drinking (anything but water). This makes it easier to eat all types of nutritious foods, including fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats, salads, and more. You can even enjoy popcorn and pizza crust now and then.

They Provide Greater Self-Confidence

While undergoing treatment with Invisalign®, you will begin to notice the difference in how your smile looks soon after starting the orthodontic process. This will allow you to feel more confident with socializing with others.

Whether you’re a working professional, student, or stay-at-home parent, you’ll find that the discreetness of your aligners makes it less likely for others to notice than braces. Not to mention, you’ll be able to talk and smile without shiny metal creating a distraction. Others will listen to what you have to say instead of looking at your braces.

They Are Easier to Clean

Traditional braces can be difficult to clean. Various products are required to maneuver around brackets and wires in an attempt to remove bacteria, food debris, and other harmful particles. With Invisalign®, though, you can remove your trays before engaging in your morning and nighttime oral hygiene routine.

When removing your trays, you can use Invisalign® Cleaning Crystals or a soft-bristled toothbrush, lukewarm water, and clear soap. This allows for the removal of dried saliva, bacteria, and plaque that may accumulate throughout the day or at night. With a thorough rinse, you can then reinsert your trays and resume normal activity.

These are just three of the many freedoms you can expect when choosing to address your dental problems with Invisalign®. As a clear alternative to metal braces, it’s easy to see why countless patients are turning to this more discreet and flexible orthodontic solution.

About the McCarl Dental Group
McCarl Dental Group is pleased to provide a method of treatment that is designed to address overcrowding, gaps between teeth, and bite misalignment – Invisalign® clear aligners. Instead of relying solely on traditional metal braces, our team of dental experts has the knowledge, experience, and ability to shift teeth and realign smiles using discreet trays that are customized to each patient. If you are considering Invisalign® but would like additional information, call our dental office to learn how we can help.