McCarl Dental Group

How You Can Stay Hydrated This Summer and Better Protect Your Smile

June 14, 2024

Summer is a time for being outside, having fun by the pool, and enjoying the warmer temperatures, but if you’re not careful, you could experience the dangers of dehydration. Lack of sufficient fluids not only negatively affects the body but also the mouth. To discover what signs you should look for that might indicate dehydration as well as learn what you can do to avoid it, keep reading.


Are All Toothaches the Same?

May 13, 2024

Man with a toothache needs his emergency dentist.

For those who are not trained dental professionals, it’s easy to assume that all types of tooth pain occur for the same reason. Unfortunately, this is not the case; in fact, failing to act on dental pain can lead to more serious oral health problems. Keep reading to learn about the different problems that can result in significant tooth pain and when to see an emergency dentist for help.


Setting the Record Straight: It’s Time to Bust These 3 Root Canal Myths

April 9, 2024

Root canals are often viewed in a negative light. When doing your research online about this common procedure, there are plenty of opinions from those who have experienced it firsthand. Unfortunately, many of the facts that dentists and industry professionals try to share are often overlooked and replaced by countless myths. If you’re looking to get the real story on root canals, it’s time to let a reputable dentist bust the misconceptions and lies so that patients like yourself don’t continue to fear this beneficial procedure.


It Runs in the Family: The Truth About Hereditary Tooth Stains

March 14, 2024

Woman with a beautiful smile thanks to cosmetic dentistry services in greenbelt, md

As you’ve grown older, you’ve become more aware of your discolored smile. Desiring a more beautiful appearance, you wonder what the reason for your dulled or yellowed teeth could be. You don’t drink a lot of coffee, you don’t smoke, and you practice good oral hygiene daily, so what is causing your pearly whites to appear not so bright? Keep reading to find out if your tooth stains are hereditary and what you can do about it.


Find Out Why Dentures Can Have a Bad Odor

February 8, 2024

Full dentures

You’ve been wearing dentures for a while now, and you want to make sure they continue to function well and look their best. But one day, you suddenly realize there is a foul odor permeating your artificial teeth. What could it be? There are many reasons why these custom prosthetics might smell, which is why it’s important to find out the underlying cause and what you can do to prevent it in the first place.


Is It Possible to Get Dentures If You’ve Been Without Teeth For A While?

January 8, 2024

McCarl dental patient

Tooth loss that remains untreated is likely to develop into bone loss. Unfortunately, while more permanent solutions exist – dental implants – they are often not ideal options if there is not enough bone density available to support a custom restoration. However, dentures are often an alternative choice for patients. But is it possible to receive these prosthetics even after years of tooth loss? Read on to find out.


Let Your Smile Stand Out: Makeup Colors That Help Teeth Shine

December 15, 2023

woman with brighter whiter teeth

Choosing the right patterns and colors can help or hinder your overall appearance, so if you’re looking to stand out at your next event, select those that make a statement. This is especially true with your smile. Certain shades can dull or brighten your pearly whites, so before you start planning, consider which colors are best and which ones you should avoid, and don’t forget to think about teeth whitening or veneers, as they can take away any level of concern.


4 Complications of Ill-Fitting Dentures

November 9, 2023

woman wearing customized dentures

If you once experienced tooth loss, living with dentures means being able to eat all your favorite foods, speak without slurring your words, and smile with renewed confidence. But over time, you may find that your artificial teeth don’t feel quite as good as they once did. And while you know you should see your dentist for help, you might think that the problem will resolve itself in time. Before committing to this mindset, consider these four complications of ill-fitting dentures and when you should get in to see your dentist for help.


3 Myths About Cosmetic Dentistry It’s Time to Bust

October 19, 2023

female patient in blue blouse at McCarl Dental Group

Are you interested in enhancing your smile so that you can embrace a more aesthetically pleasing and confident appearance? Many individuals who turn to cosmetic dentistry hope for beautiful results but unfortunately, there are many common myths that individuals promote, making it harder for people like yourself to feel comfortable pursuing treatments such as veneers, teeth whitening, or even smile makeovers. Allow our team of dentists to set the record straight by busting the following three myths about cosmetic dentistry.


How Can Calcium Help Improve Oral Health?

September 22, 2023

man in a red shirt with a healthy smile

When you think about your diet, what kind of foods come to mind? Potatoes and pizza or sandwiches and stir fry? No matter what you choose to ingest, you may realize that you’re lacking an appropriate amount of calcium. Valuable not only because it can support your body’s bones, but it can also have a positive impact on your oral health, more specifically, your teeth. Read on to discover just how beneficial calcium can be when it comes to ensuring the lifespan of your smile.
