A loose tooth is a common occurrence in young children who are saying goodbye to their primary teeth and awaiting their permanent ones. However, this type of problem should not exist among adults. If it does, it means there is a larger, more damaging issue taking place. If you are worried about your loose tooth, here are a few tips to help you manage the situation until you can reach your dentist’s office.
(more…)McCarl Dental Group Blog
How Major Depression Can Impact Your Oral Health
Mental health disorders can do more than negatively impact your mind and body. You may not realize it, but major depression and oral health are actually closely linked. What does this mean exactly? Unfortunately, if your brain is causing you to lack the desire to care for yourself, you’re more likely to experience serious dental decay, infection, or disease. In this article, we’ll discuss the connection between mental and oral health and what you can do to minimize your risk.
(more…)Mental Health Boosts From a Better Smile
There’s no doubt that being in a great mood naturally makes you want to share your smile with the world. But have you ever thought about how your smile influences your mental health?
Dentists are often the first people to see the tremendous effects that a healthier and prettier smile has on someone’s overall mental health, and they’re always eager to hear about how their services improve your overall mood. Whether you’re considering going back to the dentist after a long gap in your dental care or just need a little inspiration to schedule your next checkup, learning about these mental health benefits of a healthy smile can help you get motivated for your next appointment.
(more…)What You Need to Know About Guided Dental Implant Surgery
Receiving dental implants in Greenbelt by a skilled and trusted dentist lends a high success rate of about 95% upon initial placement. Committed to ensuring precise and accurate results, the team at McCarl Dental Group is going one step further to make the process easier and more streamlined with guided dental implant surgery. In this article, we’ll look at what it is, how it works, and what benefits it can provide to both patients and dentists.
(more…)Eating Disorders and Your Smile: How Your Dentist Can Help
Eating disorders such as bulimia and anorexia affect millions of people throughout the United States. Not only can the consequences become evident throughout the body, but problems can also begin to manifest within a person’s mouth. If you or a loved one are struggling but are unsure where to turn for help, this article will explain what signs to look for should you believe there is a problem and what your dentist can do to minimize the damage to your smile.
(more…)4 New Year’s Resolutions Designed With Your Smile in Mind
If you are one of the many individuals who enjoy making New Year’s resolutions, you probably already have a growing list. From shedding a few pounds and putting more money into savings to finding the right job and opting to spend more time devoted to self-care, the potential changes that can occur in a single year are endless. But have you considered what you can do to improve the health of your smile? Here are four resolutions you should strive to achieve in 2022 that will positively impact your teeth and gums.
(more…)3 Reasons to See Your Dentist Even If You’re Not in Pain
Pain is not the only symptom you can expect to experience when dealing with an oral health problem. However, if you’re like most people, you might assume if you’re not uncomfortable, there is no need to visit your dentist in Greenbelt. Unfortunately, adopting this philosophy will only heighten your risk for serious dental problems if you’re not careful. Here are three reasons you should commit to seeing your dentist regularly even if you’re not in pain.
(more…)How to Avoid Cavities With Veneers
You want that showstopping, Hollywood look, so you go to a cosmetic dentist to have veneers put into place. Effectively covering your imperfections, you’re delighted with the results, assuming you can now freely go about your life, enjoying your new and improved smile. While this is true to an extent, maintaining your veneers is key to minimizing your risk for cavities. If the notion that regular oral health problems can still occur with veneers is surprising to you, read on to find out how they can form and what you can do to lower your risk.
(more…)How McCarl Dental Group’s New CBCT Scanner is Helping with Dental Implant Treatment
Dental technology is always evolving. With new equipment and devices being designed to improve patient comfort and satisfaction, it’s no surprise that dentists throughout the country are looking to outfit their offices with the latest and greatest. At McCarl Dental Group, we are pleased to provide a unique device known as a CBCT scanner. Used to create a more accurate and precise treatment plan for patients needing dental implants in Greenbelt, learn more about this advanced piece of technology and its many benefits.
(more…)Can Flossing Reduce the Risk of Cognitive Decline?
There is mounting evidence showing that the mouth and body are closely interwoven. When a problem occurs in one area, there is a good chance that an issue will develop in the other. One example of this is how gum disease and tooth loss can lead to an increased risk of cognitive decline. If you are an individual who is concerned that your oral hygiene habits may be causing you to be more vulnerable to common neurological diseases like dementia or Alzheimer’s, a dentist in Greenbelt, MD, explains how flossing may be the answer to decreasing your risk and improving your oral and overall health.