Implant Dentures Greenbelt

The Permanent Solution for a Longer-Lasting Smile

Woman talking with her dentist about implant dentures

If replacing all of your missing teeth is what you truly desire, then look to the professionals at our office who can provide implant dentures. Unlike regular prosthetics that sit on top of the gums, those held into place by dental implants offer a longer-lasting solution to tooth loss. Our team of dental experts is pleased to perform the entire start-to-finish procedure in-house so you can remain in one convenient location among a team you know and trust. Contact us to learn more about implant dentures and if they’re right for you.

Dental Cosmetic Success Stories

Image of success story patient, John White

John White

Actual Implant Retained Hybrid Denture patient of Dr. Lee




What Are Implant Dentures?

Senior man sitting in dental chair

Made of titanium, implant dentures are small posts that mimic the tooth’s root structure. Situated within the jawbone, they create a solid foundation that allows the customized restoration to be secured into place when ready. Also, they can restore full functionality, allowing you to eat and speak with greater confidence and ease.

When meeting with your implant dentist to discuss your eligibility, we will determine whether you should receive a fixed or removable denture.

Fixed/Permanent Implant Dentures

Depending on your needs, a fixed denture can require between four and six dental implants and is only removable by a qualified professional. It is necessary that you have enough jawbone to receive this type of denture. Otherwise, you will be required to undergo a bone grafting procedure first.

Removable Implant Dentures

If you lack the necessary jawbone for a fixed denture but have enough to adequately support between two and five dental implants, you can receive a removable denture. You can expect to take out your prosthetic in the evenings to clean it as well as easily reinsert it when ready.

The Implant Denture Process

Woman in dental chair touching her teeth

Every patient is different, so no two cases will be alike. However, the same process is required, and all individuals seeking implant dentures will follow these same steps when visiting our dental office:

  • Initial Consultation: You will meet with a member of our team who will discuss your eligibility as well as determine if you require preliminary treatments based on the digital imaging and thorough examination performed during your visit.
  • Dental Implant Surgery: After receiving local anesthesia, we will strategically place each dental implant into the corresponding location. Once the posts are in place and the procedure is complete, you will be provided detailed instructions regarding your recovery at home.
  • Osseointegration/Abutments: Over 3-4 months, osseointegration will occur. This “sleep phase” allows the implant to fuse with the bone. Once you are fully healed and the implant is integrated with the bone, you will return to have impressions taken of your oral cavity to produce a customized restoration.
  • Finalized Restoration Placement: After three weeks or more, you will return to our office to have your permanent denture secured into place. Created to match the specifications provided by our team, you can expect your new dental implants to blend in seamlessly.

Am I A Candidate For Implant Dentures?

Dentist wearing face mask and dental binoculars

Most adults suffering from tooth loss can qualify for dental implants. If you need implant dentures, our dentists will need to meet with you for an initial consultation. This will determine the health of your oral cavity, body, and jawbone. You must be healthy enough to undergo minor oral surgery.

Benefits Of Combining Dentures & Dental Implants

Smiling dentist holding a denture while talking with a patient

Bringing together dentures and dental implants is an excellent concept that offers great benefits. Should you choose to take advantage of these unique prosthetics, you can expect:

  • A new smile that can last 30 years or longer with proper maintenance
  • The ability to eat and speak without worrying about teeth slipping or falling out
  • The opportunity to embrace better oral health because of the continuous jawbone stimulation and prevention of dental drift
  • To save money in the long run because you won’t need to buy denture adhesives, specialized cleaning solutions, or invest in frequent replacements
  • An easier way to clean your teeth and maintain better dental health